Friday, 4. March 2016
Economy Minister Glawe: “A windfall for Mecklenburg- Western Pomerania”
The new building for research and quality control at IDT Riems is moving forward on schedule, with the cornerstone laid last May and the building shell completed at the start of the year. IDT celebrated the topping out of the imposing building in early March. In his lengthy welcome speech for the event, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Economy Minister Harry Glawe described the importance of the new jobs and this modern facility for the entire state.
Work continued at the site right up to the last minute, with the last big stacks of insulation material moved to the other side of the building just as the first guests arrived at IDT Riems for the topping out. Many representatives of the city, region and state joined representatives from the construction firms and IDT employees in celebrating a project that is on schedule. As Harry Glawe, Economy Minister of the State of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania arrived, a cold fog hid the spring sun and the Bay of Greifswald from view. It was a bit nippy; many people buttoned their jackets up a little higher, and only the white flowers decorating the tables hinted at the fact that spring might soon arrive. The Managing Director of IDT Biologika Riems, Dr. Jörg Köhler, formally welcomed guests to the construction site.
“The new research and quality control building will hold a total of 27 laboratories for both functions. The workstations will be state-of-the-art and use cutting-edge technologies,” said Dr. Jörg Köhler, Managing Director of IDT Biologika (Riems). “The topping off is a key step on the way to certification, and we are pleased to celebrate it with our employees and guests today. Construction is on schedule, and after the interior is finished and equipped with the necessary systems, approval of the project’s laboratories will complete the process. We hope to celebrate the building’s dedication, and above all its start of operation, in 2017.”

After the host’s greeting, Economy Minister Glawe described in his welcome speech the importance of new modern jobs in the soon to be equipped laboratories for the region and the entire state. Tourism and agriculture are key sources of income for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, but the state government is seeking to encourage companies that are able to provide more forward-looking jobs to come to or remain in the state.
“That is why IDT is a windfall for the government’s efforts to create quality, future-oriented jobs,” said the Minister resolutely, promising in his speech and later in an intensive meeting with IDT management that his administration would offer every possible support to the expansion of the site.
“We completed the building shell as planned at the start of 2016, and are now starting on the interior construction of the research building,” declared Dr. Ralf Pfirmann, Chief Executive Officer of IDT Biologika. “When the new building is approved and begins operation, IDT in Riems will make an important contribution to the development and manufacture of IDT Biologika vaccines. We have grown IDT’s reputation well beyond German borders in the past year, with important vaccine projects, a new location in the US and expanded collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation – our expertise is now recognized worldwide.
We continue to pursue globalization for our Animal Health business. Riems will play a key role in developing innovative animal health vaccines.” Fred Burgsthaler of BSB Bau Malchin brought plenty of wishes and an equal number of schnapps glasses up to the stage, so that he could stand under the colorful topping out wreath to toast to the health of the construction project and thank the owners for their confidence and for the work.
Not the first, but the second schnapps glass thrown to the ground shattered, which according to tradition is good luck for the future construction and makes construction workers’ wishes for upcoming works come true. The heated tent set up between the buildings was a comfortable setting for conversation over hot soup and rolls during the reception that followed for guests, construction workers and IDT employees. As the Economy Minister left for his next appointment, he made the same promise to IDT’s management that he had mentioned in his speech: “I’m already looking forward to celebrating the christening of the new building with IDT next year, and I’m pretty certain that I can convince the German Chancellor to join me again at this important event for her electoral district.”