Friday, 5. July 2019
New building for vaccine production enables even more flexible reaction to customer demands
IDT Biologika, a globally active contract manufacturer of vaccines and biopharmaceuticals, has reached a milestone as a partner in a promising growth market by inaugurating a new multifunctional production facility for vaccines in the BioPharmaPark area in Dessau-Rosslau.
Business in contract manufacturing and development of human medicines has seen dynamic growth over the past few years for the long-standing, Dessau-based company, most recently contributing as much as two thirds of total turnover. In this market, IDT acts as a partner to mostly international pharmaceutical companies, with demand for such services growing comfortably in the two-digit range. IDT’s goal is to establish itself as one of the global leaders in this field, according to CEO Jürgen Betzing.
With production working near its maximum capacity due to strong customer demand, about one year ago IDT reacted to market requirements by laying the foundation stone for the new building. The new facility means additional capacity as well as improved flexibility in production in line with the needs of IDT’s current and future customers. An opening ceremony took place today to celebrate the occasion.

Reiner Haselhoff, Prime Minister of the state of Saxony-Anhalt, attended the event as the guest of honor. Speaking to the audience composed of representatives from politics, business and the general public, Haselhoff stated: “Companies that invest, built, expand, and offer modern workplaces are the future of our federal state. In
this respect, the research-intense field of producing human viruses is particularly important, as it requires a highly qualified workforce. It is truly fascinating to see what has been newly built or renovated here. ITD is a convincing example of not only entrepreneurial braveness, but also responsible behavior in difficult times.”
On behalf of IDT Biologika’s shareholder, Carsten Klocke says: “A strong focus on innovation and very close relationships with their customers are common denominators of all Klocke Group companies. IDT clearly represents this mindset. Today’s inauguration of the new vaccine production facility demonstrates that the growth path that was taken 25 years ago here at the site in Dessau-Rosslau is being pursued with great consistency.”
CEO Jürgen Betzing comments: „We are active in markets that not everyone can serve. This is only possible when we are able to react flexibly to those markets’ requirements. This multifunctional production facility provides the basis for doing so. The fact that the building has a utilization rate of close to 50 percent right from the start underscores our customers’ high demand and the excellent growth perspectives coming with it.”
Betzing continues: „The short construction time of just over one year plus the remarkable cooperation of all parties involved in the project underscore the fact that we are able to deliver something great in a short period of time. This being anything but natural, I’d like to sincerely thank all of our employees and external partners who were involved, for their commitment and their invaluable contribution to making this construction project a success.”